Football Manager Handheld 2013 pentru Android si iOS se lanseaza pana la finele anului

football manager 2013

Intr-o era a vitezei, dar si a tehnologiei, in care lumea migreaza incet, incet, de pe PC Desktop sau laptop catre gadget-uri ultra-portabile precum tabletele sau smartphone-urile, Sports Interactive compania care a creat franciza Football Manager, va lansa pana la finele acestui an – Football Manager Handheld 2013, o versiune a simulatorului de fotbal management pentru Android si iOS (tablete si smartphone).

Din pacate, acest joc nu va ajunge pe dispozitivele cu Windows 8 / Windows Phone 8 datorita unor probleme ale sistemului de operare, citam:

 „The problem with Windows 8, for me, is that a decision seems to have been made somewhere that tablets and PCs are of one family, and that phones are a different family. Whereas, we believe that tablets and phones are one family,” a declarat domnul Miles Jacobson, seful Sports Interactive pentru Pocket-Lint.

„So, until those boundaries are clearer and until the public decides what they want Windows RT to be – or whether they want it to be anything at all – then we’re not going to be looking at Windows 8 or Windows RT.”


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