
Microsoft anunta Xbox One Digital TV Tuner dedicat segmentului TV

Xbox One Digital TV Tuner

Xbox One Digital TV Tuner.

Atunci cand Microsoft a lansat Xbox One in Statele Unite, clientii sai au avut parte si de alte functii pe partea de entertainment precum Live TV sau continut on-demand online, lucru de care europenii nu au prea avut parte, datorita diferitelor restrictii locale.

Astazi, Microsoft a lansat Xbox One Digital TV Tuner un gadget care e menit sa converteasca semnalul de pe cablul coaxial de la un capat intr-unul ce poate fi transmit prin conexiune USB catre consola producatorului. Astfel, cei care nu au dispozitive cu porturi HDMI pot viziona continut HDTV, pot pauza transmisiile si, chiar transmite comenzi vocale, bineinteles, doar daca dispuneti si de un Kinect.

Xbox One Digital TV Tuner va fi disponibil in Europa incepand cu luna octombrie a lui 2014, la pretul de £25/30 euro in tari ca Marea Britanie, Spania, Franta, Germania sau Italia. Probabil ca anumite magazine de retail de la noi vor aduce si ei in stoc acest Xbox One Digital TV Tuner.

Caracteristici Xbox One Digital TV Tuner:

  • Watch HD TV on Xbox One: With the Xbox One Digital TV Tuner, you can watch free-to-air DVB-T, DVB-T2 and DVB-C television channels without changing TV inputs. You can receive game invitations and notifications while watching TV and even watch TV while you wait for a multiplayer match to start.
  • TV Viewing in Snap Mode: You can watch TV using the Snap mode, watching TV on the side and leaving the main screen for games, Skype, or other applications.
  • Pause Live TV: Pause your favorite show when you get up to take a break.
  • TV Listings in the OneGuide: TV listings will be available in the OneGuide. From anywhere, say “Xbox show guide, what’s on BBC One?” to quickly navigate directly to that channel’s listings*.
  • Favorite Channels in the OneGuide: Create your own personal Favorites in the OneGuide so you can easily choose what you want to watch.
  • Channel Tuning by Voice: The OneGuide allows you to call out your favorite TV channel by name and start watching it instantly*.
  • The OneGuide on Xbox SmartGlass: Now you have access to the full OneGuide on the new Xbox SmartGlass app with the ability to tune channels on your TV.
  • TV On Demand: TV listings in the OneGuide will indicate which shows are available on demand from video apps.


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